Review: Lật Mặt 6: Tấm Vé Định Mệnh (Face Off 6: The Ticket of Destiny)

The latest film in the increasingly popular Vietnamese “Lật Mặt” series, “Lật Mặt 6: Tấm Vé Định Mệnh” (“Face Off 6: The Ticket of Destiny”) takes Mark Twain’s musing that “Nothing incites to money-crimes like great poverty or great wealth” and turns it into a feature length film. 

When a longtime group of friends abruptly luck into a life changing opportunity, it ignites a chaotic level of discourse amongst the group. They quickly turn upon each other in escalating levels of betrayal, deception. They must weigh the good the money can do against their bonds of friendship. 

After winning the lottery, the group finds themselves splintered on who is entitled to the money. When additional tragedies strike it becomes a near free for all.

The Bonds of Friendship

The situations are rather outlandish. However the thing that holds “Lật Mặt 6: Tấm Vé Định Mệnh” together is the chemistry of the cast. For better or worse you can believe these men are friends. As a newcomer to the franchise, it’s unclear if the characters have established ties in previous film. However the movie does a good job of quickly establishing their dynamic. Some characters are much more grating than others (as they are meant to be). There are some morally ambiguous to morally reprehensible plots that might be tougher to palette for audiences from predominantly western backgrounds. Though they aren’t excusable, in the context of the film and escalating levels of plotting and ferocity, they do raise the stakes somewhat.

Ultimately morbid curiosity about how the outlandish plot resolves will easily cause one to be sucked into “Lật Mặt 6: Tấm Vé Định Mệnh.” There are often points where bits of info feel added for convenience or to add a life lesson. Yet the film embraces the imperfections of the circumstances these characters find themselves in. It results in semi-believability in the unbelievable.

It stars Trung Dũng, Huy Khánh. Quốc Cường, Tiết Cương, Huỳnh Thi, Thanh Thức, Diệp Bảo Ngọc, Thùy Linh, Tạ Lâm, Tú Tri. Lý Hải directs. 

You can watch the trailer here