The Accountant, Desierto

This week brings “The Accountant” and “Desierto” to review.

“The Accountant” was nothing spectacular, but nor was it terrible. Which is probably a sadder reflection on the films being pumped out now versus the film itself.
There were considerable plot issues and editing issues, at times you’d forget a B and C plot existed. 
Ben Affleck is not a great actor, let’s be honest. He’s a good director, but as an actor, and particularly in this he’s nothing special. I’d be curious to know if he actually bothered to do research and hang out with anyone with Autism while preparing for the role, because as it stands it feels like he went “What stereotypes do people think of when they think of folks on the spectrum? Okay great, let’s go with the bare minimum.”

The supporting cast tries their best, but ultimately the film lacks depth, which can be fine, sometimes you just need a mindless action packed movie to distract you.

“Desierto” was disappointing. I had higher expectations given that Jonas Cuaron was writing and directing.
The trailer is more intense than the entire film, and the motivations of the antagonist make no sense (to a sane person). In fact that was the scariest part of the film, the parallels and timelines of the release compared to the current anti immigrant sentiment by the far right in the US right now. That’s the main thing the film has going for it, the rest is a failed chase film. 

​More in the audio review!

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