Hidden Figures, A Monster Calls

​I’m excited to say I think 2017 is off to a good start! This week brings “Hidden Figures” the true life story of the African American women who helped NASA put a man in space, and the heartbreaking “A Monster Calls” starring Felicity Jones (who is going to topple the box office since she’s also starring as Jyn Erso in “Rogue One” right now).

“Hidden Figures” was inspiring and funny, and I sincerely hope it inspires a next generation of girls to enter the STEM fields.

“A Monster Calls” is a sob-fest and certainly cathartic, and visually unique and beautiful. Extra kudos to Liam Neeson for voicing and performing the monster.
I’ve been waiting to review this film for months as I saw it a while ago (and had the chance to interview the director). It’s haunted me in the best possible way.